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Empowered Through Compassion Blog

Explore the Empowered Through Compassion blog. Topics include IFS, EMDR, spirituality, trauma healing, IFS informed EMDR therapy, and more!

  • In the evening’s orange and umber light, 
    There come vagrant ducks skidding on the pond.
    Together they veer inward to the reeds.
    The forest—aspen, oak, and pine—recedes,
    And the sky is smudged on the ridge beyond.
    There is more in my soul than in my sight.

    I would move to the other side of sound;
    I would be among the bears, keeping still,
    Not watching, waiting instead. I would dream,
    And in that old bewilderment would seem
    Whole in a beyond of dreams, primal will
    Drawn to the center of this dark surround.

    The sacred here emerges and abides.
    The day burns down, the hours dissolve in time;
    The bears parade the deeper continent
    As silences pervade the firmament,
    And wind wavers on the radiant rime.
    Here is the house where wilderness resides.

  • The fading moon
    and the vanguard of the sun


    The immensity of mountains
    rising black from the underworld
    I behold Creation

    In this mindless moment I am intensely alive
    There is again the birth of my soul
    I am who never way

    It is the first day

  • One Soul: More Poems from the Heart of Yoga


    I used to be convinced
    that if i could shrink
    myself smaller than
     a pin, smaller than a
    mustard seed or comma,

    if I could crawl inside
    my head like a microbic
    coal miner, the canary
    would be dead within a
    minute. Doesn't it feel

    like that? Shine a flash-
    light on this mess, and I'll
    find out just how slimy,
    worthless, and fundamentally
    mistaken I really am. 

    But just the opposite is true.
    The more illumination I
    bring in, the more I see, the
    more caved-in passageways
    I excavate -

    The more the canary sings
    in ecstasy. And the
    miner, light reflecting on
    wide veins of diamonds -

    the miner just stumbled
    into paradise.

  • This being human is a guest house.
    Every morning a new arrival.

    A joy, a depression, a meanness,
    some momentary awareness comes
    as an unexpected visitor.

    Welcome and entertain them all!
    Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
    who violently sweep your house
    empty of its furniture,
    still, treat each guest honorably.
    He may be clearing you out
    for some new delight.

    The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
    meet them at the door laughing,
    and invite them in.

    Be grateful for whoever comes,
    because each has been sent
    as a guide from beyond.

  • You do not have to win at a crisis.
    You do not have to push yourself
    to learn a new language or write a book
    or take up an instrument.
    Nothing will come of forcing yourself
    to complete your way out of trauma.
    Take this time to look at the stars.
    Take this time to look at how the sky
    still holds clouds that are the shape of hope.
    How the dawn begins at the tips of dewy grass, 
    for this is where the horizon begins.
    Somewhere the dappled fawn rises
    her soft neck to watch the sun rise
    over her meadow.
    Somewhere else monarch butterflies begin 
    their long migration, knowing many of them
    will not make it home.
    Remember that you do not need to earn
    your right to the precious minutes you have
    on this planet. They are already yours,
    like the fawn and the butterflies.
    The universe beckons you to enjoy this life
    it has given you through a heart
    that beats to the rhythm of its very own cosmic song.

  • If all a lifetime must be

    is the noise between

    two silences,

    then there is no reason

    we cannot turn existence

    into the most beautiful

    masterpiece we ever make.

    Let the sky feel like a symphony

    God composed just for you.

    Let the crimson roses

    paint awake their brightest colors

    all for you.

    Let the grief

    that is telling you stories

    remember it is not invited to stay.

    Let the love

    you do not know how to give anymore

    dance out of you another way.

    Let every person on this planet

    rise one morning and think,

    What good can I do to nourish the soul?

    Let there be joy

    when we commemorate

    The end of all things.

    Let there be songs

    as we see the endings

    are only beginnings.

  • One day, when you wake up,

    you will find that you’ve become a forest.


    You’ve grown roots and found strength in them

    that no one thought you had.


    You have become stronger

    and full of life-giving qualities.


    You have learned to take all the negativity around you

    and turn it into oxygen for easy breathing.


    A host of wild creatures live inside you

    and you call them stories.


    A variety of beautiful birds nest inside your mind

    and you call them memories.


    You have become an incredible

    self-sustaining thing of epic proportions.


    And you should be so proud of yourself,

    of how far you have come from the seeds of who you used to be.

  • There are languages spoken with no verb

    “To be.” Those who speak them say everything

     A people needs to say to grow food to eat

    To build a house and sleep; to make love or

    Walk alone along a dry creek where stones

    Ask for hands to warm them. If you travel

    There and don’t speak the tongue that says neither

    “Is” nor “Isn’t,” sones ask anyway and you know

    They want your hands wrapped ‘round for just

    A little while, then tossed to a new home

    Where they wait again, cool their bodies, ready

    To be themselves, to speak to anyone passing.

  • The things is, I still believe in it.

    The sky during its thunder.

    The sea during its storm.

    The earth during its darkest hours.

    You. Yes you, reading this.

    I am tired of us abandoning the parts

    Of ourselves we do not like

    And calling ourselves lost things.

    The sun does not abandon us

    When a storm visits.

    The sea does not abandon the cliffs because they are hardened to her touch.

    I am asking you not to abandon the parts of yourself

    That are in need of more love.

    I am asking you to hold the parts of you that shatter,

    That scare you,


    I am asking you to become better at loving those portions of yourself

    You wish to abandon—

    To learn from them 

    As much as you learn from everything

    About you that is beloved.

    The salt as well as the sugar.

    The gentle breeze as well as the coarse sand.

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